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Finding Hope in ‘Lockdown Loneliness’

Writer's picture: Just Love Just Love

I think that it’s fair to say that lockdown has been a challenge for every single human being in one form or another, whether it’s being unable to see family and friends in the flesh for weeks, classes & graduations moving online or being furloughed/forced to work from home. Or maybe you are a key worker, still out there risking your life on the daily mission to provide and care for others (thank you if you are!). Whatever your circumstance, it is not surprising that your mental health may begin to suffer. For thousands across the nation, the biggest battle has been tackling their mental health, particularly caused by feeling alone, and research is beginning to show just how much the so-called ‘lockdown loneliness’ has taken its toll on the population.

Studies carried out by the University of Essex have revealed that more than one third of women in the UK are suffering from loneliness, and there has been a significant increase in both genders’ percentage of individuals who have one or more severe mental health illness. The Office for National Statistics found that more than half of 16 to 24 year olds are more likely to be affected by feeling alone in isolation. Young people are more vulnerable to loneliness right now than ever before - even though we seem to be so connected! These statistics may not come as a surprise to you, but it is indeed heartbreaking to read. Maybe you are also suffering from ‘lockdown loneliness’. I assure you, you are not alone, and so many others can relate with you right now. However, there is hope within all of this - I am here to bring the good news too, honest!

It is not the first time that we have seen this storyline in history. To help me make my point, let’s look at the story of Elijah on Mount Sinai. 1 Kings 19 tells us that Elijah goes into isolation because his life is in danger (not because of a virus though, but you get the point...), and whilst he is in the cave, he feels alone and pleads God to take his life - his mental health is suffering greatly, and he feels the only way to remove himself from his depression is to die, which is certainly not an uncommon thought process to have during our present-day lockdown (again, good news is coming, hold on!).

Despite how Elijah feels, God spares his life and sends an angel to provide food and water for him, whilst also letting him sleep. I am surely not the only one who would just be content to recover and be at peace with napping, eating and drinking? Anyway… what I’m getting at is that God continues to provide for Elijah, even in his depression. It also proves that looking after the physical self is SUPER important in maintaining good mental health - but that is surely no secret in the psychology or the physical ed world. Even God used that as a tactic to battle against mental health.

God is also gentle with Elijah, and whispers when He speaks to him. God doesn’t have to manifest himself in fire falling from the sky to speak and show His presence . He can speak in subtle ways, which I’m sure was great news for Elijah - I highly doubt that he would have appreciated a big booming voice telling him what to do in that moment! God is patient with Elijah, and comforts him, explaining he is not alone, there are in fact thousands who still love and obey the Lord. He then commands Elijah lovingly to go and find Elisha to continue fulfilling his anointing as a prophet. God still had a purpose for Elijah, just as God has a plan for you in your current circumstance, and post-lockdown.

Elijah was so overcome with grief and was so downtrodden with all of the bad news. That is so true of many of us today, it is ridiculously easy to focus on the negative aspects of what is happening in our world, especially with the media feeding our souls with everything going wrong. Yet there is so much good happening around us too! People are finding small joys at home, people are reading again, creating again - or even starting it for the first time. Others are baking, and some are having lots of self reflection time. Many are fundraising for different amazing causes. The world is also healing itself. People are coming together, protesting for life and learning about the stories of those who are being oppressed, in order to make a change in perspectives and legislation. Many of the lost are coming back to watch church services, many are praying again, giving their lives back to God.

And God is present, working through it all.

What this account of Elijah shows us is that he is looked after by our same God who is gracious, patient, loving and kind. He does not require for us to be perfect, he does not need us to be happy 24/7. He meets us where we are, whatever situation we are in. He understands our needs when we are down, and these are trying times, but this is not forever. He still has a purpose for you, even in lockdown. He is not going to abandon you, or let you go through your struggles alone. He is still working in & through you in this season.

As we begin to emerge from lockdown, and we are able to meet with friends and family once again, remember that we were never really alone. God is always with you, and He will never leave or forsake you. He will always provide for you. He loves you! And this, He promises. Look to Him, and He will look after you. Talk to Him & invite Him to be with you today. He will give you the hope & peace you seek, and he will continue to use you in ways you never even imagined.

- by Grace Sutherland

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